
2017年01月20日 23:09

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功夫巨星成龍近日演出新片《功夫瑜伽》受到杜拜皇室免費出借超過70輛超跑,杜拜王子更出借「全球僅此一輛」的超跑Devel Sixteen,打造一場最豪華的飛車場面,皇室出手豪氣十足「撞爛一台,隔天再送一輛」,消息一出引發網友熱議。對此,他表示當時早已做好撞爛的準備,還說以往都撞爛10幾輛車。



《功夫瑜伽》受到杜拜政府和皇室的支援,免費出借包括布加迪、法拉利、賓利、藍寶堅尼和麥拉倫等品牌共多達70餘輛,杜拜王子更出借「全球僅此一輛」的超跑Devel Sixteen,還有杜拜公主的獅子在後座同車飆速,尤其杜拜親王豪氣十足,拍攝期間每輛超跑都能出借2台,「一台有問題,另一台就當替身。」。







‘PEACEFUL’: The KMT vice chairman expressed support for unification with China, saying that it would occur when both sides are free, democratic and prosperousBy Stacy Hsu / Staff reporterChinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Vice Chairman Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌) yesterday dismissed speculation that he is planning to take a back seat to former vice president Wu Den-yih (吳敦義) to increase Wu’s chance of winning the party’s chairperson election in May.Hau made the remarks during an interview at Taipei-based Pop Radio, in which he was quizzed about the KMT’s May 20 chairperson election and his future endeavors.“Regarding allegations that I might withdraw from the race because of Wu, that is definitely not the case,” said Hau, who announced his bid earlier this month. “All candidates should know that we should all give our all and must not engage in any match-fixing attempts. I hope this race can change the KMT’s ‘fixer culture.’”Speculation about Hau’s potential withdrawal emerged after he pledged in his candidacy announcement to withdraw from the election if a candidate would promise not to use the leadership post as a stepping stone for their political career and help find the best candidates for next year’s local elections and the 2020 presidential race.Asked whether his ultimate plan is to run for a mayoral post in the local elections, Hau said all that matters is finding good candidates who have a good chance of winning.Separately yesterday, Hau expressed his support for “peaceful cross-strait unification” during a telephone interview with Hong Kong-based Phoenix Television, stressing that by “peaceful” he meant no one would be compelled.The unification Taiwan hopes for is one that occurs when both sides of the Taiwan Strait are free, democratic and prosperous, Hau said, adding that no timeline should be placed on the issue.Asked whether he acknowledges that both sides of the Taiwan Strait are part of “one China,” he said Beijing should first face up to the existence of the Republic of China.“The ‘1992 consensus’ and the ‘one China, different interpretations’ formula are the maximum consensus among the 23 million people of Taiwan,” Hau said, adding that the KMT has also supported stable and friendly cross-strait interactions.The “1992 consensus” refers to a tacit understanding between the KMT and the Chinese Communist Party that both sides of the Taiwan Strait acknowledge there is “one China,” with each side having its own interpretation of what “China” means. Former Mainland Affairs Council chairman Su Chi (蘇起) in 2006 said that he made up the term in 2000.Additional reporting by Shih Hsiao-kuan新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES



2015年10月出道的TWICE急速竄紅,去年憑藉「TT」和「CHEER UP」兩首歌曲火爆樂壇,粉絲無數,還獲得「第18屆Mnet亞洲音樂大獎」年度歌曲獎和最佳女團獎,「第31屆金唱片大獎」數位音樂部門大獎等。1060202


子瑜又抽高?成員腳踩恨天高仍比她矮超天兵!粉絲提問《你的名字》 周子瑜竟這樣回周子瑜低調返台過年 媽媽咖啡廳中舉辦同學會周子瑜PO和龍蝦合照 自帶翻譯揪甘心竄紅韓星榜 周子瑜奪冠勝雙宋


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